All Songs

This page lists all the songs at Word to Worship. Click on the letter to show songs starting with it.

Total Songs: 2,482
(4) | 1 (3) | 4 (1) | A (172) | B (135) | C (166) | D (41) | E (55) | F (81) | G (148) | H (174) | I (154) | J (73) | K (21) | L (131) | M (120) | N (55) | O (121) | P (47) | R (74) | S (151) | T (242) | U (22) | V (11) | W (168) | Y (107) | Z (5)
Titlesort descending Star Star Count Author(s) All Tags CCLI View Edit
A Christmas Alleluia 1 Chris Tomlin, Jonas Myrin Alleluia, Birth of Christ, Chris Tomlin, Coming of Christ, Jonas Myrin, Advent, Christ, Christmas, Incarnation 7050431 view
A Cowboy's Dream 1 Bruce Herring Bruce Herring, The Way, Glory, Glory of God view
A Greater Song 1 Matt Redman, Paul Baloche Matt Redman, Paul Baloche, Greatness, Worship 4662336 view
A Little Piece of Heaven 2 Kevin Godley, Laurence Neil Creme christian, Godley & Creme, inspirational, Kevin Godley, Laurence Neil Creme, pop music, spiritual, Heaven view
A Mighty Fortress 10 Christy Nockels, Nathan Nockels Christy Nockels, Nathan Nockels, Judgment, Power, Refuge, Strength 5488935 view
A New Anointing This Is The Day 1 Rob Still Rob Still, Affirmation, Anointing, Declaration, Encouragement, Glory, Praise, Rejoice 3537565 view
A New Hallelujah 2 Paul Baloche, Debbie Smith, Michael W. Smith Debbie Smith, Freedom, Michael W. Smith, Paul Baloche, Declaration, Grace, Love, Praise 5285860 view
A Place At Your Altar 2 Gary Sadler, Gerrit Gustafson Gary Sadler, Gerrit Gustafson, Communion with God, Devotion 1254586 view
A Rising Fire 1 Young Oceans 7026977 view
A Thousand Hallelujahs 1 Brooke Ligertwood, Phil Wickham, Scott Ligertwood Brooke Ligertwood, Integrity Worship, Phil Wickham, Scott Ligertwood, Creation, Glory, Hallelujah, Honor, Humility, Lamb of God, Praise, Sacrifice, Singing, Worship 7190270 view
A Thousand More 2 Corbin Phillips, Charmaine Carrasco, Taylor Gall Charmaine Carrasco, Corbin Phillips, Praises to the Lord, Taylor Gall, Thrive Worship view
A True 2 Sandra Matthews Dennis Brown, Sandra Matthews, Kingdom, Majesty, Truth, Unity, Unity in Christ view
Abba Father 2 Steve Fry Steve Fry, Adoration, Father, Love, Name of God, Names of God 1204 view
Abide 2 Aaron Williams, Aaron Keyes Aaron Keyes, Aaron Williams, Abide, Christy Nockels, Dependence, Dwell, Psalm, Comfort, Father, Hope, Lament, Life, Light, Presence, Relationship, Trust 7168160 view
Abide Aaron Keyes, Aaron Williams Aaron Keyes, Aaron Williams, Abide, Christy Nockels, Holy Spirit, Presence 7168160 view
Abide With Me 10 Henry Francis Lyte, William Henry Monk Abiding, Henry Francis Lyte, William Henry Monk, Comfort, Confidence, Darkness, Death, Devotional, Faith, Hymn, Mercy, Presence of God, Trials 43190 view
Above All 18 Lenny LeBlanc, Paul Baloche Lenny LeBlanc, Maranatha! Music, Meaghan Williams, Michael W. Smith, Paul Baloche, Rebecca St. James, Cross, Exaltation, Kingship, Majesty, Redeemer, Redemption 2672885 view
Abraham Josh Baldwin and Bobby Strand Josh Baldwin, Josh Baldwin and Bobby Strand, Faith, Trust, Worship 7083281 view
Absolutely 1 Ian Eskelin, Jon Neufeld, Tim Neufeld Ian Eskelin, Jon Neufeld, Starfield, Tim Neufeld, Fulfillment, Humility, Surrender 5683383 view
Across The Earth 2 Matt Crocker, Mike Guglielmucci, Reuben Morgan Matt Crocker, Mike Guglielmucci, Reuben Morgan, Adoration, King, Kingdom of God 5060827 view
Across The Lands 4 Keith Getty, Stuart Townend Keith Getty, Stuart Townend, Creator, Freedom, Lordship of Jesus 3709898 view
Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly 2 Pat Barrett, Chris Tomlin, Jason Ingram Chris Tomlin, Commandment, Jason Ingram, Pat Barrett, Faith, Humility, Justice, Love, Mercy, Mission 7168697 view
Adopted Providence Worship Providence Worship view
Adoration 4 Brenton Brown Brenton Brown, Adoration, Praise 5248467 view
Adore Graham Kendrick, Martin Chalk Adore, Birth of Christ, Chris Tomlin, Graham Kendrick, Magi, Martin Chalk, Wisemen, Adoration, Advent, Christmas, Praise, Worship 7050417 view
Advent Hymn (Watching Waiting Longing) Rick Lee James, Ted Rastatter Rick Lee James, Rick Lee James Ted Rastatter, Ted Rastatter, Christ, Christmas, Jesus, Sacrifice, Second Coming, Worship 6152291 view
Africa 2 Dennis Brown Africa, brotherhood, brothers, David, Dennis Brown, Ethiopia, Lion of Judah, sisterhood, sisters, Unity view
Africa Unite 1 Bob Marley Africa, Bob Marley, Bob Marley & The Wailers, christian reggae, inspirational, spiritual, unification, Gospel, Unity view
African 2 Peter Tosh Africa, Peter Tosh view
After All (Holy) 2 David Crowder, Mark Waldrop, Matt Maher, Mike Dodson David Crowder, David Crowder Band, Mark Waldrop, Matt Maher, Mike Dodson, Declaration, Holiness 6191221 view
Aftermath 1 Joel Houston Joel Houston, Humility, Strength, Surrender 5809026 view
Again 1 Jon Foreman Jon Foreman, Desire, Father, Love, Sustainer 5351835 view
Agnus Dei 15 Michael W. Smith Michael W. Smith, Third Day, Ascension, Easter, Holy Communion, Lord's Supper, Praise, Redemption, Resurrection, Salvation, Worship 626713 view
Agnus Dei / Worthy 2 Michael W Smith, Don Moen Don Moen, Michael W Smith, Third Day view
Ah Holy Jesus 1 Sufjan Stevens view
Ain't No Cure for Love 2 Leonard Cohen ache, depression, downcast, hurt, Jennifer Warnes, Leonard Cohen, neglect, sadness view
Ain't No Grave 1 Claude Ely Claude Ely, Grave, Johnny Cash, Molly Skaggs, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Angels, End Times, Heaven, Resurrection, Trumpet 7119314 view
Alabaster Box 1 Janice Lyn Sjostrand CeCe Winans, Janice Lyn Sjostrand, Anointing 2825962 view
Alabaster Jar Gateway Worship Gateway Worship, Kari Jobe, Walker Beach, Submission view
Alas And Did My Saviour Bleed (Hudson) Isaac Watts, Ralph Hudson Bleeding, Blood of Christ, Isaac Watts, Ralph Hudson, Savior, Assurance, Calvary, Consecration, Cross, Crucifixion, Faith, Jesus, Love, Redemption, Sacrifice, Salvation, Savior 29499 view
Alive 3 Nichole Nordeman, Bernie Herms Bernie Herms, Natalie Grant, Nichole Nordeman, Jesus, Resurrection 6121174 view
Alive 2 Alexander Pappas, Aodhan King Alexander Pappas, Aodhan King, Hillsong Young and Free, Adoration, Exaltation 6605212 view
Alive Again 2 Jason Ingram, Matt Maher Jason Ingram, Matt Maher, Alive, Faith, Life, Longing, Presence 5553530 view
Alive and Breathing Elle Limebear, Matt Maher Elle Limebear, Elle Limebear and Matt Maher, Matt Maher, Blessing, Hope, Joy, Life, Perseverance, Praise, Wonder 7138680 view
Alive And Running 2 Brett Younker, Kristian Stanfill, Louie Giglio Brett Younker, Kristian Stanfill, Louie Giglio, Salvation, Son of God 5444395 view
Alive in Us 2 Jason Ingram, Reuben Morgan Jason Ingram, Reuben Morgan, Alive, Christian Hope, Cross, Death, Easter, Jesus, Resurrection, Salvation, Victory in Christ 5894206 view
All 1 Joel Houston Joel Houston, Devotion, Surrender, Worship 3744561 view
All Arise 1 Jason Ingram, Michael W. Smith Jason Ingram, Michael W. Smith 7019321 view
All Around 1 Ben Crist, Ben Harms, Jonathan Todryk, Patrick Copeland, Ryan Stubbs Ben Crist, Ben Harms, Jonathan Todryk, Patrick Copeland, Ryan Stubbs 5625592 view
All Around The World 1 Fionan DeBarra, Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty Fionan DeBarra, Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty 5469301 view
All Because of Jesus 7 Steve Fee Steve Fee, Freedom, Glory, Grace, Praise, Redemption, Salvation, Victory 4882903 view
All Belong Here Hannah Rand, Lenora Rand Hannah Rand, Lenora Rand, Acceptance, Grace, Home, Identity, Remembrance 7112307 view
All Bow Down 3 Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Bride, Christ the King, Humility, Lamb of God, Praise, Worship 4403375 view
All Creation Sing (Joy To The World) 2 George Frederic Handel, Isaac Watts, Steve Fee George Frederic Handel, Isaac Watts, Steve Fee, Christ, Jesus, Proclamation, Singing 5305393 view
All Creatures Of Our God And King 8 Brent Milligan, David Crowder, St. Francis of Assisi, William Henry Draper Brent Milligan, David Crowder, David Crowder Band, Fernando Ortega, St. Francis of Assisi, William Henry Draper, Adoration, Creator, Creatures, Hymn, Praise, Singing 3608102 view
All creatures of our God and king 1 Jonathan Baird, Ryan Baird, St. Francis of Assisi, William Henry Draper Jonathan Baird, Ryan Baird, St. Francis of Assisi, William Henry Draper 6529800 view
All For You 1 Jon Neufeld, Tim Neufeld Jon Neufeld, Starfield, Tim Neufeld, Devotion, Surrender 4310200 view
All Glory Be to Christ 2 Dustin Kensrue Dustin Kensrue, Kings Kaleidoscope view
All Hail King Jesus 3 Dave Moody Dave Moody, Everlasting Life, Eternal Life, Praise 12877 view
All Hail the King of Heaven Matt Boswell, Matt Papa King Jesus, Matt Boswell, Matt Papa, Call to Worship, Christ, Christ the King, Heaven, Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Name of Jesus, Praise, Revelation view
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name 6 Edward Perronet, John Rippon, Oliver Holden Edward Perronet, John Rippon, Oliver Holden, Paul Baloche, Adoration, Christ, Easter, Eternal Life, Grace, Hymn, Jesus, Lordship of Jesus, Name of Jesus, Power, Praise, Worship 25400 view
All Heaven Declares 3 Noel Richards, Tricia Richards Noel Richards, Tricia Richards, Beauty, Heaven, Reconciliation, Worship 120556 view
All I Desire 2 789478 view
All I Have is Christ 2 Jordan Kauflin Jordan Kauflin, Life in Christ, Paul Baloche, Sovereign Grace, Surrender, Christ, Devotion, Jesus, Life 5174122 view
All I Need 1 Bethany Dillon, Dave Barnes, Ed Cash Bethany Dillon, Dave Barnes, Ed Cash, Desire, Fulfillment, Greatness 4299417 view
All I Need 1 Rita Springer Rita Springer, Adoration, Desire, Processional, Worship 5197628 view
All I Need Is You 2 Marty Sampson Marty Sampson, Savior 4455213 view
All I Want 1 Brenton Brown Brenton Brown, Commitment, Desire, Forgiveness, Fulfillment 5900774 view
All In Andrew Jacob Pruis, Jason Houser, Matthew Joseph West Andrew Jacob Pruis, Jason Houser, Matthew Joseph West, Matthew West, Commitment, Mission, Overcome 7097358 view
All Is Well Michael W. Smith, Wayne Kirkpatrick Birth of Christ, Emmanuel, Michael W. Smith, The ZOE Group, Tom Fettke, Wayne Kirkpatrick, Advent, Christmas, Incarnation, Jesus, Joy, Peace 355008 view
All my days 1 Stuart Townend Stuart Townend 2492216 view
All My Fountains 1 Chris Tomlin, Christy Nockels, Daniel Carson, Nathan Nockels Chris Tomlin, Christy Nockels, Daniel Carson, Fountain, Nathan Nockels 5925670 view
All my hope 1 David Crowder, Ed Cash David Crowder, David Crowder featuring Tauren Wells, Ed Cash 7068805 view
All my hope 2 David Crowder, Ed Cash David Crowder, David Crowder featuring Tauren Wells, Ed Cash 7068805 view
All My Ways 4 Dustin Smith, Jonny Robinson, Michael Farren, Rich Thompson CityAlight, Dustin Smith, Jonny Robinson, Michael Farren, Peace & Hope, Psalm, Rich Thompson, Call to Worship, Shepherd, Trust 7073327 view
All of Creation 8 Barry Graul, Bart Millard, Brown Bannister, Dan Muckala, Jim Bryson, Mike Scheuchzer, Nathan Cochran, Robby Shaffer Barry Graul, Bart Millard, Brown Bannister, Dan Muckala, Jim Bryson, MercyMe, Mike Scheuchzer, Nathan Cochran, Robby Shaffer, Bondage, Creation, Crucifixion, Good Friday, Praise, Redemption, Resurrection, Salvation, Separation from God, Sin, Temple, Trinity, Unity 5760756 view
All Of My Days 1 Mark Stevens Mark Stevens, Awesome, Exaltation, Greatness, Power, Praise 3258208 view
All Of Our Tomorrows 1 Dave Fournier, Ryan Foglesong Dave Fournier, Ryan Foglesong, Sovereign Grace Music, Sovereignty of Christ, Surrender, Change, Guidance, Hope, Perspective, Sovereignty of God, Trust 7167554 view
All Over The World 1 Martin Smith, Matt Redman Martin Smith, Matt Redman, Name of Jesus, Praise 4490948 view
All people that on earth do dwell (O let the earth rejoice) 1 Alanna Glover, Louis Bourgeois, William Kethe Alanna Glover, Louis Bourgeois, William Kethe 7125862 view
All Praise to Him 1 Bob Kauflin, Matt Merker Bob Kauflin, Matt Merker 7096636 view
All Praise To You 1 David Leonard, Leslie Jordan All Sons and Daughters, David Leonard, Leslie Jordan, Adoration, Glory, Glory of God, Holiness, Honor, Praise, Proclamation, Redemption 6092296 view
All Sufficient Merit Bethany Barnard, Bryan Fowler, Shane Barnard Authority of Christ, Bethany Barnard, Bryan Fowler, Choosing Christ, Following Jesus, Shane & Shane, Shane Barnard, The Worship Initiative, Love, Sacrifice 7212933 view
All That I Am Rend collective Rend collective 7014650 view
All That Really Matters 1 Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman, Christian Life, Declaration, Faith, Truth 5557141 view
All the Earth 1 Jack Hayford, Wayne Huirua, and Andrew Ulugia and Andrew Ulugia, God's Attributes, Jack Hayford, Name, Nature, Parachute Band, Wayne Huirua, Declaration, Glory, Heaven, Love, Majesty, Nations, Praise 3287499 view
All The Earth Will Sing Your Praises 16 Paul Baloche, Chris Tomlin, John Newton, Louie Giglio Chris Tomlin, Freedom, John Newton, Lincoln Brewster, Louie Giglio, Paul Baloche, Forgiveness, Grace, Redemption, Resurrection, Salvation, Second Coming 4037057 view
All the Glory 1 Graham Kendrick Graham Kendrick 729555 view
All The Heavens 2 Brad Avery, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark Lee, Tai Anderson Brad Avery, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark Lee, Tai Anderson, Third Day, Desire, Devotion, Dwelling, Heaven, Presence of God 3118520 view
All The Heavens 1 Reuben Morgan Reuben Morgan, Glory, Holiness, Praise 3490585 view
All The King's Horns 1 Sufjan Stevens view
All The People Said Amen 8 Matt Maher, Paul Moak, Trevor Morgan Matt Maher, Paul Moak, Trevor Morgan, God's Love, Mercy, Redemption 6518275 view
All The Poor And Powerless 5 David Leonard, Leslie Jordan All Sons and Daughters, David Leonard, Leslie Jordan, Brokenness, Hallelujah, Holiness, Poverty, Praise, Proclamation, Worship 5881130 view
All The Way My Savior Leads Me 1 Chris Tomlin, Fanny Jane Crosby, Matt Redman, Robert S. Lowry Chris Tomlin, Fanny Jane Crosby, Matt Redman, Robert S. Lowry, Guidance, Leadership, Savior 5203268 view
All Things Are Possible 3 Darlene Zschech Darlene Zschech, Almighty, Blessing, Foundation, Omnipotence of God, Praise, Strength, Weakness 2245140 view
All Things New David Leonard, Michael Weaver Big Daddy Weave, David Leonard, Michael Weaver, Surrender, Healing, Renewal, Restoration 7100681 view
All Things Possible 2 Mark Schultz, Seth Mosley, Tony Wood Mark Schultz, Mark Shultz, Seth Mosley, Tony Wood, Belief, Hope, Strength 6325341 view
All To Us 2 Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Matt Maher, Matt Redman Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Matt Maher, Matt Redman 5869860 view
All to You 5 Lincoln Brewster, Reid McNulty Lincoln Brewster, Reid McNulty, Comfort, Forgiveness, Intimacy, Lordship of Jesus, Redemption, Restoration, Surrender 4572976 view
All We Need 1 Charlie Hall Charlie Hall, Desire, Praise, Submission 4674180 view
