All Songs

This page lists all the songs at Word to Worship. Click on the letter to show songs starting with it.

Total Songs: 2,480
(4) | 1 (3) | 4 (1) | A (172) | B (135) | C (166) | D (41) | E (55) | F (81) | G (148) | H (174) | I (154) | J (73) | K (21) | L (131) | M (120) | N (55) | O (121) | P (47) | R (74) | S (151) | T (240) | U (22) | V (11) | W (168) | Y (107) | Z (5)
Titlesort descending Star Star Count Author(s) All Tags CCLI View Edit
Wait on the Lord James Wilson, Natalie Bunner James Wilson, James Wilson, Natalie Bunner view
Waiting Here For You 3 Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Martin Smith Chris Tomlin, Christy Nockels, Jesse Reeves, Martin Smith, Adoration, Advent, Faith, Praise, Waiting 5925663 view
Wake Up Alex Nifong, Joe Thibodeau, Kristian Stanfill, Matt Melton, Tim Gibson Alex Nifong, Joe Thibodeau, Kristian Stanfill, Matt Melton, Tim Gibson, Advent, Day of the Lord, Life, New Life, Second Coming, Truth 5444443 view
Wake Up And Live Bob Marley, Anthony Davis Anthony Davis, Bob Marley, Bob Marley & The Wailers, christian reggae, inspirational, spiritual, Gospel view
Wake Up Sleeper Gungor 6189501 view
Wake Up, Oh Sleeper David Nasser, Jonathan Shelton, Mac Powell, Shane Barnard David Nasser, Jonathan Shelton, Mac Powell, Shane Barnard 5510119 view
Walk By Faith 1 Jeremy Camp Jeremy Camp, Faith, Trials 3903041 view
Walk Down This Mountain Bebo Norman Bebo Norman, Transfiguration 4620079 view
Walk The World Charlie Hall, Kendall Combes Charlie Hall, Kendall Combes, Christian Life, Example, Praise, Singing 4925327 view
Walking With Our Eyes Closed Gungor Gungor view
Wandering Gungor 7003261 view
Want More 1 Aston Barrett Aston Barrett, Bob Marley & The Wailers, christian reggae, God, hurt, inspirational, Jah, spiritual, Gospel view
War Allen Cole, Carlton Barrett Africa, Allen Cole, Bob Marley & The Wailers, Carlton Barrett, christian reggae, inspirational, spiritual, Struggle, war, Gospel, Victory view
Warning - Danger 1 Alvin Fields, Cissy Houston, Douglas Frank Alvin Fields, avoiding temptations, being careful of adultery, christian disco, Cissy Houston, Douglas Frank, inspirational, R&B, soul, spiritual, Gospel view
Way Maker 7 Osinachi Kalu Okoro Egbu Healing. God's Presence, Leeland, Michael W. Smith, Osinachi Kalu Okoro Egbu, Passion, Paul McClure, Sinach, Steffany Gretzinger, Adoration, Light, Praise, Transformation, Worship 7115744 view
Wayward and Torn Gungor 7003262 view
We All Bow Down 1 Lenny LeBlanc Kara, Lenny LeBlanc, Adoration, Kingship, Love, Reverence, Worship 3537761 view
We and Them 1 Bob Marley Bob Marley, Bob Marley & The Wailers, christian reggae, problems, Gospel view
We Are 1 Chuck Butler, Ed Cash, Hillary McBride, James Tealy Chuck Butler, Ed Cash, Hillary McBride, James Tealy, Kari Jobe, Adoration, Children, Light 6129877 view
We Are an Offering 1 Dwight Liles Chris Christian, Christian living, Dwight Liles, Offering 16220 view
We Are Family 1 Bernard Edwards & Nile Rodgers Bernard Edwards & Nile Rodgers, christian, christian disco, inspirational, pop music, R&B, Sister Sledge & Chic, soul, spiritual, Family, Gospel view
We Are Not Afraid 1 Randy Gill Fearlessness, Randy Gill, The ZOE Group, Assurance, Calling, Commitment, Confidence, Courage, Faith, Trust 5351639 view
We Are So Blessed Gloria Gaither, Greg Nelson, William J. Gaither Gloria Gaither, Greg Nelson, William J. Gaither, Blessing, Love 15991 view
We Are Stronger Gungor 7045179 view
We Are the Body of Christ Scott Wesley Brown, David Hampton David Hampton, Scott Wesley Brown, The Church, The ZOE Group, Body of Christ, Christ, Christian Community, Community, Praise, Unity 2220206 view
We Are Waiting 1 All Sons & Daughters, promises of God, Faith, Holy Spirit, Trust, Waiting 7049336 view
We Are Yours 1 Brian Bergman, Charlie Hall, Dustin Ragland, Kendall Combes, Quint Anderson Brian Bergman, Charlie Hall, Dustin Ragland, Kendall Combes, Quint Anderson, Adoration, Declaration, Praise 4674128 view
We Believe 4 Graham Kendrick Graham Kendrick, Declaration, Faith, Holy Spirit, Lordship of Jesus, Nations 190689 view
We Believe 3 Travis Ryan, Richie Fike, Matt Hooper Matt Hooper, Newsboys, Richie Fike, Travis Ryan, Belief 6367165 view
We Believe Michael Gungor, The Liturgists 7021409 view
We Believe Chris Lindsey Believe, believe in Jesus, believing, believing in Jesus, Chris Lindsey, The ZOE Group, Belief, Church, Community, Creed, Unity view
We Bow Down 1 Viola Grafström Viola Grafström, Worship 2106499 view
We Bow Down 1 Twila Paris Twila Paris 20003 view
We Come To You Joshua Blakesley Body and Blood of Christ, Communion, Joshua Blakesley, Sacrifice 5778078 view
We Crown You Eddie Kirkland, Steve Fee Eddie Kirkland, Steve Fee, Adoration, Exaltation, Glory, King 5625767 view
We Cry Out 1 Brenton Brown, Jeremy Camp Brenton Brown, Jeremy Camp, Adoration, Praise, Worship 5808845 view
We Declare 1 Alanna Glover, Liv Chapman Alanna Glover, Liv Chapman 7069098 view
We Fall Down 11 Chris Tomlin Chris Tomlin, Kutless, Holiness, Humility, Submission, Worship 2437367 view
We Give You Praise Jonathan Thatcher, Martin Smith, Marty Sampson, Stuart Garrard Jonathan Thatcher, Martin Smith, Marty Sampson, Stuart Garrard, Light, Praise, Strength 5144482 view
We Have Come To Worship Him Cheri Keaggy Cheri Keaggy, Declaration, Praise, Worship 1612379 view
We have heard a joyful sound (He saves) 1 Colin Webster, Priscilla J. Owens, William James Kirkpatrick Colin Webster, Priscilla J. Owens, William James Kirkpatrick 6319649 view
We have this treasure 1 Lou Fellingham, Mike Busbee, Nathan Fellingham Lou Fellingham, Mike Busbee, Nathan Fellingham 4814098 view
We Lift You Up Glenn Packiam Glenn Packiam, Jason Morant, Awesome, Glory, Leadership, Love, Majesty, Praise, Truth 3956768 view
We Remember 2 Jason Walker, Mark Stuart Jason Walker, Mark Stuart, Life of Jesus, Remembrance, Sacrifice, Salvation 5692226 view
We Remember You 2 Communion 524183 view
We Remember, We Believe Sarah Hart, Steve Angrisano Sarah Hart, Steve Angrisano, Belief, Holy Communion, Remembrance 5767711 view
We Shall Not Be Shaken Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman, Love, Strength, Sustainer 5557093 view
We Shine Louie Giglio, Steve Fee Louie Giglio, Steve Fee, Freedom, Kingdom of God, Light, Power, Redemption 4939928 view
We Sing Praises to You, Psalm 66:1-12 Jason Silver Jason Silver view
We Speak to Nations 1 Israel Houghton Freedom, Israel Houghton, Missions, Adoration, Christ, Christian Life, Earth, Evangelism, Exaltation, Israel, Jesus, Kingdom, Kingship, Nations, Power, Praise, Proclamation, Strength, Worship 3552155 view
We The Redeemed 1 Jill McCloghry Jill McCloghry, Adoration, Love, Praise, Redeemer, Redemption 5409055 view
We Three Kings Sufjan Stevens Sufjan Stevens view
We Trust In The Name Of The Lord Our God Steven Green Steven Green, Faithfulness, Trust 1411415 view
We Want To See Jesus Lifted High Doug Horley Doug Horley, Adoration, Declaration 1033408 view
We Want to See Jesus Lifted High / In the Secret 1 Doug Horley, Andy Park Andy Park, Doug Horley, Commitment, Devotion, Love 1810119 view
We Will Dance 3 David Ruis David Ruis, Eternal Life, Heaven, Rejoice, Second Coming 1034438 view
We Will Feast in the House of Zion Joshua Moore, Sandra McCracken Joshua Moore, Sandra McCracken 7041364 view
We Will Glorify 2 Twila Paris Insyders, Twila Paris, Adoration, Kingship, Lamb of God, Majesty, Righteousness, Worship 19038 view
We will go 1 7115809 view
We Will Not Go Henk Pool, John Hartley, Kelly Minter, Stephen Leiweke Henk Pool, John Hartley, Kelly Minter, Stephen Leiweke, Following, Guidance, Listening, Name of God, Presence of God 5083873 view
We Will Run Lisa Gungor Gungor, Lisa Gungor, Cleansing, Mercy, Proclamation, Salvation 5665208 view
We Will See Him Reuben Morgan, Robert Fergusson Reuben Morgan, Robert Fergusson, Eternal Life, Heaven, Salvation, Second Coming 5409048 view
We Will Wait Tim Selles Eucharist Church, Tim Selles view
We Will Worship Him 1 Brenton Brown Brenton Brown, Creation, Jerusalem, Praise, Worship 4613749 view
We Will Worship You Carlos Whittaker, Jason Ingram Carlos Whittaker, Jason Ingram, Prayer, Salvation, Worship 5639973 view
We Win David Crowder, Jack Parker, Mike Dodson David Crowder, Jack Parker, Mike Dodson, Victory, Warfare 4625737 view
We Won't Be Quiet David Crowder, Jack Parker, Mike Hogan David Crowder, Jack Parker, Mike Hogan, Adoration, Praise, Proclamation, Singing 5013922 view
Weak Man Ed Cash, Jack Mooring, Leeland Mooring Ed Cash, Jack Mooring, Leeland Mooring, Adoration, Desire, Prayer 5509780 view
Wedding Banquet Rain for Roots Flo Paris, Rain for Roots view
Weeping Over Jerusalem Larry Olson Dakota Road,, Larry Olson, Palm/Passion Sunday, Crucifixion, Messiah, Prayer 1942918 view
Welcome In This Place Miriam Webster Miriam Webster, Adoration, Comfort 4435790 view
Welcome To Our World 1 Chris Rice Birth of Christ, Chris Rice, Coming of Christ, Advent, Christmas, Promise 2317391 view
Were You There 1 Traditional African-American Spiritual, Crystal Lewis, Johnny Cash, Selah, Traditional, Christ's Death, Crucifixion, Good Friday, Hymn, Jesus' Suffering, Resurrection 4756194 view
What a Beautiful Name 11 Ben Fielding, Brooke Ligertwood Ben Fielding, Blood of Christ, Brooke Ligertwood, Hillsong, Jesus Name, Glory, Majesty, Name of Jesus, Power, Praise, Redemption, Victory 7068424 view
What a faithful God have I 2 Dawn Critchley, Robert Critchley Dawn Critchley, Robert Critchley 605095 view
What a Friend 1 Matt Maher, Abbie Parker, Adam Palmer, Matthew Hein Abbie Parker, Adam Palmer, Matt Maher, Matthew Hein, Faithfulness, Forgiveness, Grace, Joy 7076507 view
What A Friend I've Found 2 Martin Smith Martin Smith, Friendship, Hope 2098033 view
What a Glorious Night 1 Sidewalk Prophets, Christmas 7002651 view
What a Savior Jeremiah Jones Jeremiah Jones, Laura Story, Names of God, Power, Savior, Strength 5646760 view
What About The Half 1 Horace Keith Hinds, George Phillips Dennis Brown, George Phillips, Hiddenness, Horace Keith Hinds, Hidden view
What Child Is This 1 The Modern Post view
What Child Is This Anyway? Sufjan Stevens view
What Grace Is Mine 1 Kristyn Getty Kristyn Getty, Christian Life, Cross, Grace, Sacrifice 5418895 view
What If His People Prayed 1 Mark Hall, Steven Curtis Chapman Mark Hall, Steven Curtis Chapman, Prayer, Victory, Warfare 4196644 view
What kind of love is this 2 Bryn Haworth, Sally Haworth Bryn Haworth, Celtic Worship Band, Grace & Mercy, Sally Haworth, Christ's Sacrifice, God's Love, Redemption 40753 view
What The Lord Has Done In Me 2 Reuben Morgan Reuben Morgan, Cleansing, Confession, Salvation 2582803 view
What The World Will Never Take Marty Sampson, Matt Crocker, Scott Ligertwood Marty Sampson, Matt Crocker, Scott Ligertwood, Desire, Savior 4455196 view
When Christ Was Born Michael Anthony Milton Michael Anthony Milton, Nativity, Shepherds, Advent, Christmas, Glory view
When Death Dies Gungor 6189446 view
When Heaven Breaks Through Evelyn Cortazio, Lucas Cortazio, Mike Grayson, and Zachary Kale and Zachary Kale, Evelyn Cortazio, Lucas Cortazio, Mike Grayson, Glory, Heaven, Majesty, Victory, Worship 7113563 view
When Hope Came Down Ben Glover, Kari Jobe Ben Glover, Kari Jobe, Christmas 6516129 view
When I Look Into Your Holiness Cathy Perrin, Wayne Perrin Cathy Perrin, Wayne Perrin, Adoration, Holiness, Worship 16347 view
When I Survey / Thank You For the Cross 3 Isaac Watts, Tim Hughes Isaac Watts, Tim Hughes, Cross, Hymn, Lent, Sacrifice, Thankfulness 5124433 view
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (Hamburg) 1 Isaac Watts, Lowell Mason Isaac Watts, Lowell Mason, Nature, Adoration, Blood, Commitment, Cross, Crucifixion, Death, Easter, Love, Redemption, Resurrection, Sacrifice, Sorrow, Testimony 27893 view
When I Think About The Lord 1 James Huey Hillsong, James Huey, Rita Springer, Shane & Shane, Holy Spirit, Praise, Salvation 2834496 view
When I was lost 1 Kate Simmonds, Miles Simmonds Kate Simmonds, Miles Simmonds 3359121 view
When it's all been said and done 1 Jim Cowan Jim Cowan, Robin Mark, Christian Life 2788353 view
When love came down to earth 1 Stuart Townend Stuart Townend 3359138 view
When Mercy Found Me 2 Jeff Pardo, Rhett Walker Jeff Pardo, Rhett Walker, Rhett Walker Band, Change, Mercy 6128139 view
When Our Hearts Sing Jason Ingram, Kevin Huguley, Matt Bronleewe, Wes Willis Jason Ingram, Kevin Huguley, Matt Bronleewe, Rush of Fools, Wes Willis, Praise, Singing 4966063 view
