All Songs

This page lists all the songs at Word to Worship. Click on the letter to show songs starting with it.

Total Songs: 2,482
(4) | 1 (3) | 4 (1) | A (172) | B (135) | C (166) | D (41) | E (55) | F (81) | G (148) | H (174) | I (154) | J (73) | K (21) | L (131) | M (120) | N (55) | O (121) | P (47) | R (74) | S (151) | T (242) | U (22) | V (11) | W (168) | Y (107) | Z (5)
Titlesort descending Star Star Count Author(s) All Tags CCLI View Edit
Made Alive Brian Eichelberger, Zach Bolen Brian Eichelberger, Zach Bolen, Death, New Life, Resurrection, Victory in Christ 6534390 view
Made Me Glad 1 Miriam Webster Miriam Webster, Greatness, Praise, Worship 3290709 view
Made to Worship 11 Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Stephan Conley Sharp Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Stephan Conley Sharp, Creation, Creator, Forgiveness, Love, Palm Sunday, Worship 4794118 view
Madly Steve Fee Steve Fee, Love, Righteousness 3622016 view
Magnificat 2 Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend, Magnificat 5567894 view
Magnificat Rain for Roots view
Magnificat 2 Randy Gill Birth of Christ, Mary, Mary's Song, Randy Gill, Song of Mary, ZOE Group, Incarnation, Jesus, Magnificat, Worship 5107766 view
Magnificent Badham Raymond Joel Badham Raymond Joel, HILLSONG WORSHIP view
Magnificent Marvelous Matchless Love Aaron Keyes, Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Luke Brown, Matt Papa Aaron Keyes, Christ's Love, Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Love of God, Luke Brown, Matt Papa, God's Love, Love, Praise, Redemption, Restoration, Resurrection, Salvation, Sustainer, Thankfulness 7119246 view
Magnify Jeremy Camp, Reuben Morgan Jeremy Camp, Reuben Morgan, Burden, Cleansing, Faithfulness of God, Immanence of God, Magnificat, Quiet, Renewal 5822168 view
Magnify The Lord Patrick Henderson Patrick Henderson, Praise, Presence 246409 view
Majestic 1 Lincoln Brewster Lincoln Brewster, Creation, Majesty, Mountains, Worship 4573308 view
Majesty 6 Jack Heyford, Jack Hayford Caedman's Call, Jack Hayford, Jack Heyford, Adoration, Jesus, Lordship of Jesus, Majesty, Worship 1527 view
Majesty Martin Smith, Stuart Garrard Martin Smith, Stuart Garrard, Grace, Majesty 4219071 view
Majesty Of Heaven Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Matt Redman Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Matt Redman, Adoration, King, Kingdom of God, Light, Majesty 5869918 view
Make A Difference Rachel Kurtz Rachel Kurtz, Life, Meaningless, Purpose, Works 6542007 view
Make a Joyful Noise Tommy Walker Lifeway Worship, Tommy Walker, Praise 7025377 view
Make a Joyful Noise, Psalm 98 Jason Silver Jason Silver view
Make a Way Jason Ingram / Jon Egan Desperation Band, Jason Ingram / Jon Egan view
Make A Way KATE BLUETT, Isaac Wardell, Paul Zach Coming of Christ, Coming of Jesus, Isaac Wardell, Jesus Christ, KATE BLUETT, Paul Zach, Porter's Gate, Prepare, Advent, Christmas, Prophecy view
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace 2 Christopher West Christopher West, Brotherly Love, Giving, Peace view
Make Me a Servant 3 Kelly Willard Kelly Willard, Humility, Sanctification, Servanthood 33131 view
Make Me Like You Mike Busbee Mike Busbee, Example, Image, Love 4624453 view
Make Us One 1 Twila Paris Twila Paris, Bride, Christian Life, Unity 4000637 view
Make Us One The Brilliance 7039049 view
Make Yours a Happy Home 1 Curtis Mayfield Curtis Mayfield, Gladys Knight, Home, Love view
Maker Of All Things 1 Tim Hughes Tim Hughes, Creation, Creator, Declaration, Earth, Heaven, Maker, Praise, Singing 3359279 view
Man of Sorrows 1 6476063 view
Manifesto 2 Aaron Powell, Elias Dummer, Eric Fusilier, Josh Vanderlaan Aaron Powell, Elias Dummer, Eric Fusilier, Josh Vanderlaan, Belief, Creed, Faith, Forgiveness, Lord's Prayer, Prayer 5875397 view
Mansion Over the Hilltop Ira Stanphill Elvis Presley, Ira Stanphill, Jeanne Johnson, Paul Overstreet, Ricky Van Shelton, Consecration, Dedication, Heaven 19980 view
Many Are Called 1 Judy Mowatt christian reggae, inspirational, Judy Mowatt, religious, spiritual, Gospel view
Maranatha (Come, Lord Jesus) Nabi Bershe, Leshia Knopf Eucharist Church, Leshia Knopf, Nabi Bershe view
Marvelous Miriam Webster Miriam Webster, Adoration, Declaration, Sacrifice, Salvation 5720253 view
Marvelous Light 2 Charlie Hall Charlie Hall, Jesus, Light, Love 4491002 view
Mary Consoles Eve Rain for Roots view
Mary's Lullaby The Brilliance view
Mary, Did You Know 4 Buddy Greene, Mark Lowry Buddy Greene, Kutless, Mark Lowry, Advent, Annunciation 839225 view
May Our Praise Jack Mooring, Leeland Mooring Jack Mooring, Leeland Mooring, Father, Grace, Praise, Singing 5105706 view
May the Lord The Brilliance 5334405 view
May the people's praise you 1 David Zimmer, Ed Cash, Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend David Zimmer, Ed Cash, Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend 7063739 view
May The Words Of My Mouth 1 Rob Hill, Tim Hughes Rob Hill, Tim Hughes, Commitment, Discipleship, Supplication 3232310 view
May You Find a Light/Reprise The Brilliance The Brilliance 7039050 view
May Your Wonders Never Cease Brad Avery, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark D. Lee, Tai Anderson Brad Avery, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark D. Lee, Tai Anderson, Devotion, Love, Prayer 4027153 view
Me On Your Mind Matthew West Matthew West, Faithfulness, God's Love, Salvation 7189958 view
Mean in Your Heart 1 Cindy Bullens breakup, Cindy Bullens, hurt, peer pressure, Divorce view
Meant To Live Jonathan Foreman, Tim Foreman Jonathan Foreman, Switchfoot, Tim Foreman, Christian Life, Heaven 3998393 view
Meekness and Majesty 4 Graham Kendrick Graham Kendrick, Cross, Honor, Name of Jesus, Salvation, Worship 1400 view
Melt My Soul to Love Benj Pocta, Joseph Swain Benj Pocta, Joseph Swain, Red Mountain Church 5948963 view
Message Of The Cross Martin Smith Martin Smith, Calvary, Cross, Freedom 1043175 view
Micah 6:8 2 Charlie Hall Charlie Hall, Desire, Evangelism, Humility, Justice, Mercy, Obedience, Witness 4687294 view
Midnight Clear (Love Song) Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Jonas Myrin Birth of Christ, Calm, Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Jonas Myrin, Angels, Christmas, Peace 7050418 view
Mighty Breath Of God Anthony Skinner, Ross Huskinson, Scott MacLeod, Tom Lane Anthony Skinner, Ross Huskinson, Scott MacLeod, Tom Lane 3026148 view
Mighty Fortress Aaron Shust, Paul Baloche Aaron Shust, Paul Baloche, God Incarnate, Strength, Sustainer 6600925 view
Mighty Is The Power Of The Cross Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Shawn Craig Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Shawn Craig, Cross, Salvation 3496455 view
Mighty to Save 49 Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan, Easter, Epiphany, Forgiveness, Hope, Mercy, Redemption, Resurrection, Salvation 4591782 view
Milk And Honey 1 Maurice Clive Hunt Dennis Brown, Jah, Maurice Clive Hunt, SinWickedness, strong, Faith, Faithfulness, Truth, Wickedness view
Miracles 2 Jesus Culture, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Resurrection, Trust 7054541 view
Mission's Flame 3 Matt Redman Matt Redman, Commission, Evangelism, Nations, Praise, Testimony, Worship 4328656 view
Moment Of Glory Marc Byrd, Pete Kipley, Rustin Smith Marc Byrd, Pete Kipley, Rustin Smith, Glory, Power 4407326 view
Monsters Talk 7016426 view
Moon Song Gungor 7045177 view
More Jason Houser, Kenny Greenberg, Matthew West Jason Houser, Kenny Greenberg, Matthew West, Creation, Love 4045393 view
More Love More Power 9 Jude Del Hierro Jude Del Hierro, Christian Life, Love, Prayer 60661 view
More Precious Than Silver 7 Lynn DeShazo Klaus, Lynn DeShazo, Adoration, Declaration, Devotion, Money 11335 view
More Than Amazing 1 Lincoln Brewster | Mia Fieldes Lincoln Brewster, Lincoln Brewster | Mia Fieldes 5808876 view
More Than Conquerors 3 Freedom, God's Power, God's Strength, Rend collective, Adoration, Confidence, Faith, Hope, Peace, Praise, Redemption, Resurrection, Suffering, Trials, Trust, Victory 7014648 view
Morning Has Broken 3 Eleanor Farjeon Eleanor Farjeon, Michael Card, Morning, Steven Curtis Chapman, Third Day, Creation, Hymn, Life view
Morningstar 2 Pam Mark Hall Debby Boone, Holiness of God, Pam Mark Hall, Holiness, Name of God view
Moses The Prophet 1 Peter Tosh Elijah, Jeremiah, Moses, Peter Tosh, Satan, Wickedness view
Most High Reuben Morgan Reuben Morgan, Light, Longing, Worship, Worthiness 3367560 view
Mountain of God 1 Brown Bannister, Mac Powell Brown Bannister, Mac Powell, Struggle, Third Day, Hope 3930980 view
Move Out of Babylon 2 Babylon, God's Kingdom, Jah, Johnny Clarke, Prosperity, SinWickedness, Kingdom, Kingdom of God, Wickedness view
Movements Rend Collective Experiment Rend Collective Experiment, Perseverance, Strength 5769331 view
Mr. Welfare Man 1 Curtis Mayfield Curtis Mayfield, Gladys Knight, peer pressure, Divorce view
Much Of You Steven Curtis Chapman Steven Curtis Chapman, Cross, Exaltation, Greatness, Humility 4399018 view
Multiplied 2 Bear Rinehart, Bo Rinehart Bear Rinehart, Bo Rinehart, NEEDTOBREATHE, God's Love, Surrender 7029227 view
Mustard Seed Rain for Roots Ellie Holcomb, Rain for Roots view
My Best Friend Joel Houston, Marty Sampson Joel Houston, Marty Sampson, Friendship, Love 3207596 view
My Deliverer 2 Chris Tomlin, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, Matt Maher Chris Tomlin, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, Matt Maher, Deliverance, Freedom, Lordship of Jesus, Proclamation, Salvation 5203309 view
My Desire Jeremy Camp Jeremy Camp, Aspiration, Desire 4504425 view
My Drink Charlie Hall, Todd Cromwell Charlie Hall, Todd Cromwell, Living Water, Remembrance 3143124 view
My Eyes Are Dry Keith Green Keith Green, Confession, Petition, Repentance 10453 view
My Future Decided Joel Houston, Jonathon Douglass, Marty Sampson Joel Houston, Jonathon Douglass, Marty Sampson, Affirmation, Declaration 4785866 view
My Glorious Martin Smith, Stuart Garrard Martin Smith, Stuart Garrard, Glory, Love 3187575 view
My God Aaron Powell, Elias Dummer, Eric Fusilier, Josh Vanderlaan Aaron Powell, Elias Dummer, Eric Fusilier, Josh Vanderlaan, Praise, Proclamation, Sustainer, Worship 5875407 view
My God In Whom I Trust, Psalm 91 Jason Silver Jason Silver view
My Heart Is Filled 5 Keith Getty, Stuart Townend Keith Getty, Stuart Townend, Redeemer, Thankfulness 4108704 view
My Heart is Yours 3 Brett Younker, Daniel Carson, Jason Ingram and Kristian Stanfill Brett Younker, Daniel Carson, Jason Ingram and Kristian Stanfill, Lordship, Passion, Surrender, Adoration, Commitment, Dedication, Faith, Praise, Prayer, Renewal, Trust, Worship 7017788 view
My heart will sing to you 2 Robin Mark Robin Mark, Blessing, Heart, Light, Love, Praise, Wisdom 1537887 view
My Help Comes From The Lord 1 Barry Weeks, Bryan Brown, John Abel, Tony Wood Barry Weeks, Bryan Brown, John Abel, The Museum, Tony Wood, Help, Love, Sustainer 5471928 view
My Hope David Crowder David Crowder, Hope 3585287 view
My Hope 2 Darlene Zschech Darlene Zschech, Hope, Name of Jesus, Strength 3951062 view
My Hope Edward Mote, Matt Redman, Robert Marvin, Tim Wanstall Edward Mote, Matt Redman, Robert Marvin, Tim Wanstall, Blood, Hope, Jesus, Name of Jesus, Righteousness, Sacrifice 5557165 view
My Hope Is Built Shane Barnard, Shane Everett Shane Barnard, Shane Everett, Hope, Hymn, Jesus, Rock 5627868 view
My Hope Is In You 5 April Geesbrecht Aaron Shust, April Geesbrecht, Hope 6070957 view
My Hope Is You 1 Brad Avery, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark Lee, Tai Anderson Brad Avery, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark Lee, Tai Anderson, Third Day, Guidance, Hope, Salvation 2373672 view
My Jesus 1 Ed Cash, Jack Mooring, Leeland Mooring Ed Cash, Jack Mooring, Leeland Mooring, Christian Life, Jesus, Love 5629835 view
My Jesus I Love Thee 2 William Ralph Featherstone, Adoniram Judson Gordon Adoniram Judson Gordon, Christian living, William Ralph Featherstone, Calvary, Eternal Life, Heaven, Lent, Love, Sanctification 27817 view
My Jesus, My Saviour 14 Darlene Zschech Darlene Zschech, Savior, Sheila Davis Curtis & The London Fox Singers, Creation, Jesus, Majesty, Power, Savior 1406918 view
My Kind Of War 1 Steve Golding christian reggae, Rita Marley, Steve Golding, war view
