All Songs

This page lists all the songs at Word to Worship. Click on the letter to show songs starting with it.

Total Songs: 2,480
(4) | 1 (3) | 4 (1) | A (172) | B (135) | C (166) | D (41) | E (55) | F (81) | G (148) | H (174) | I (154) | J (73) | K (21) | L (131) | M (120) | N (55) | O (121) | P (47) | R (74) | S (151) | T (240) | U (22) | V (11) | W (168) | Y (107) | Z (5)
Titlesort descending Star Star Count Author(s) All Tags CCLI View Edit
Lamb Of Glory Greg Nelson, Phill McHugh Greg Nelson, Phill McHugh, Lamb of God, Love, Mercy 15128 view
Lamb of God 4 Twila Paris Twila Paris, Holy Communion, Lamb of God 16787 view
Lamb Of God Jeremy Ash, Matt Bronleewe, Rebecca St. James Jeremy Ash, Matt Bronleewe, Rebecca St. James, Holiness, Lamb of God, Praise 3606726 view
Lamb of God 1 Communion, Lamb of God, Mercy 4295136 view
Lamb of God Jason Ingram, Andi Rozier and Meredith Andrews Andi Rozier and Meredith Andrews, Jason Ingram, Vertical Church Band, Lent 7032328 view
Lament Audrey Assad 6186614 view
Land of the Living Gungor view
Lay It All Down United Pursuit, Will Reagan view
Lay It Down Brenton Brown, Matt Maher Brenton Brown, Matt Maher, Longing, Offering, Surrender 5137554 view
Lay Me Down Chris Tomlin, Jason Ingram, Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman Chris Tomlin, Jason Ingram, Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman, Surrender, Christian Life, Humility, Sacrifice 6223577 view
Lead Me 1 Chris Rohman, Jason Ingram, Matt Hammitt Chris Rohman, Jason Ingram, Matt Hammitt, Guidance, Leadership, Love, Sacrifice 5690307 view
Lead Me Young Oceans 7026979 view
Lead Me On 1 Audrey Assad view
Lead Me to the Cross 13 Brooke Fraser Brooke Fraser, Chris & Conrad, Cross, Humility, Jesus, Lent, Prayer, Repentance 4785828 view
Lead Us Back to You Brooke Odom, Colin Dennard, Robert Aholoka Brooke Odom, Colin Dennard, Mosaic MSC, Pursuit of God, Robert Aholoka 7085015 view
Lead Us On Kristian Stanfill Kristian Stanfill, Guidance 5491702 view
Leaven Bread Rain for Roots Rain for Roots view
Lesser Loves BiFrost Arts view
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 1 The Modern Post view
Let Creation Sing Reuben Morgan Reuben Morgan, Celebration, Creation 4433390 view
Let God Arise 4 Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Jesse Reeves Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Jesse Reeves, All Saints, Ascension, Church, Death, Exaltation, Kingship, Mission, Resurrection, Savior, Victory in Christ 4822413 view
Let It Be Said of Us 2 Steve Fry Christian living, Steve Fry, Forgiveness, Peace, Sanctification, Trials 1855882 view
Let It Go 7003258 view
Let It Rain (Is There Anybody) David Crowder, Ed Cash David Crowder, Ed Cash, Mandissa, Encouragement, Faith, God's Love, Hope, Suffering, Trials, Trust 7121647 view
Let It Rise 4 Holland Davis Big Daddy Weave, Holland Davis, Celebration, Joy, Praise 2240585 view
Let Me Live 1 brotherhood, brothers, Dennis Brown, Children of God, Father, Love view
Let My Words Be Few 1 Beth Redman, Matt Redman Beth Redman, Matt Redman, Awesome, Love 3040980 view
Let Our Faith Be Not Alone Robbie Seay, Ryan Owens, Taylor Johnson, Tedd A. Tjornhorn Robbie Seay, Ryan Owens, Taylor Johnson, Tedd A. Tjornhorn, Faith, Hope, Redemption, Rescue, Sacrifice 5484599 view
Let the Church Rise Israel Houghton and Jonathan Stockstill, Israel Houghton, Jonathan Stockstill Bethany World Prayer Center, Israel Houghton, Israel Houghton and Jonathan Stockstill, Jonathan Stockstill, Church, Hope, Praise, Renewal, Revival, Spirit 4821933 view
Let The Earth Awake Charlie Hall, Kendall Combes Charlie Hall, Kendall Combes, Creation, Creator, Searching 5858534 view
Let the earth resound 1 Keith Getty, Stuart Townend Keith Getty, Stuart Townend 4779865 view
Let The Praises Ring 4 Lincoln Brewster Lincoln Brewster, Faith, Hope, Peace, Praise, Strength, Submission, Surrender, Trust 3685747 view
Let The Redeemed 1 Bobby Strand, Ethan Hulse, Josh Baldwin, Kalley Heiligenthal Bobby Strand, Ethan Hulse, Freedom, Josh Baldwin, Kalley Heiligenthal, Declaration, Deliverance, Joy, Promise, Redemption, Salvation 7130935 view
Let The River Flow 2 Darrell Patton Evans Darrell Patton Evans, Confession, Holy Spirit 1686824 view
Let the Waters The Liturgists Israel Houghton, The Liturgists view
Let the Words of My Mouth 1 Fernando Ortega, John Andrew Schreiner Fernando Ortega, John Andrew Schreiner, Scripture Song, Meditation 4854711 view
Let There Be Gungor 6188643 view
Let Us Adore Reuben Morgan Reuben Morgan, Adoration, Praise 4437846 view
Let Us Rise 1 Ed Cash, Sarah Reeves Ed Cash, Sarah Reeves, Desire, Humility, Longing, Prayer 5480074 view
Let You Down Nate Feuerstein, Tommee Profitt Nate Feuerstein, NF, Tommee Profitt view
Let Your Glory Shine Lincoln Brewster, Mia Fieldes Lincoln Brewster, Mia Fieldes, Glory, Worship 5200852 view
Let Your Kingdom Come 1 4804046 view
Let Your Mercy Rain 1 Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Jesse Reeves Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Jesse Reeves, Love, Mercy 4822853 view
Life Light Up Christy Nockels, Nathan Nockels Christy Nockels, Nathan Nockels, Christian Life, Example, Light, Praise 5281943 view
Life Of Praise Mark Hall Mark Hall, Adoration, Praise 4196596 view
Life Up Your Eyes The Brilliance view
Lifesong 7 Mark Hall Casting Crowns, Mark Hall, Christian Life, Compassion, Life, Singing, Social Justice 4578839 view
Lift High Eddie Kirkland, Steve Fee Eddie Kirkland, Steve Fee, Adoration, Exaltation, Worship 5093667 view
Lift Up Your Face 1 Bear Rinehart, Bo Rinehart, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark D. Lee, Tai Anderson, Bo Rineheart Bear Rinehart, Bo Rinehart, Bo Rineheart, David Carr, Listen, Mac Powell, Mark D. Lee, Tai Anderson, Third Day, Adoration, Advent, Salvation 5880485 view
Lift Up Your Heads Steve Fry Steve Fry, Adoration, Kingship, Majesty, Praise, Worship 19777 view
Lift Up Your Heads Ye Mighty Gates 1 Sufjan Stevens view
Lift Your Voice The Brilliance The Brilliance view
Light Gungor 7045180 view
Light of the Stable 5 Elizabeth Rhymer, Steve Rhymer Elizabeth Rhymer, Emmylou Harris, Selah, Steve Rhymer, Birth, Christmas, Hope, Joy, Light, Response to Gospel 1914616 view
Light Of The World 5 Matt Redman Matt Redman, Light, Messiah, Salvation, Truth 2650577 view
Light Of The World 1 Lauren Daigle, Paul Duncan, Paul Mabury Christmas Eve, Emmanuel, Jesus Messiah, Lauren Daigle, Paul Duncan, Paul Mabury, Advent, Angels, Birth, Christmas, Hope, King, Light, Messiah, Miracles, Peace, Prayer, Singing 7023299 view
Light of the World (Sing Hallelujah) Andrew Bergthold, Ed Cash, Franni Cash, Martin Cash, Scott Cash Andrew Bergthold, Coming of Christ, Ed Cash, Franni Cash, Martin Cash, Scott Cash, sing, We The Kingodm, Adoration, Advent, Birth, Christmas, Hallelujah, Jesus, King, Light 7163734 view
Light The Fire Again 2 Brian Doerksen Brian Doerksen, Renewal, Revival 1346920 view
Light Will Shine Marty Sampson, Matt Crocker Marty Sampson, Matt Crocker, Devotion, Light, Surrender 5807901 view
Like A Lion Daniel Bashta Daniel Bashta, Alive, Declaration, Proclamation 5675274 view
Like An Avalanche Dylan Thomas, Joel Houston Dylan Thomas, Hillsong United, Joel Houston, Christian Life, Love, Sacrifice, Surrender 5806713 view
Like Incense Brooke Ligertwood Brooke Ligertwood, Prayer 5655476 view
Like The Angels Brenton Brown Brenton Brown, Angels, Hope, Strength 4619509 view
Like the Dawn The Oh Hello's Eve, Garden of Eden, The Oh Hello's, The Oh Hello's, Creation view
Lion In The Morning 1 Julian Marley christian reggae, inspirational, Jah, Julian Marley, Lion of Judah, Mount Zion, songs for a sunny day, songs for a sunny morning, spiritual view
Lion of Rock 7045176 view
Listening 1 Vicky Beeching Vicky Beeching, Listening, Listening to God, Praise, Waiting, Word of God, Worship 5670664 view
Live For The Kingdom Rob Smith Rob Smith, Christian Life, Kingdom of God 4513605 view
Live With Abandon 1 Jonathan White, Joshua Silverberg, Thomas John Williams Jonathan White, Joshua Silverberg, Newsboys, Thomas John Williams, Faith, Surrender 6624437 view
Living For Your Glory 1 Rachel Hughes, Tim Hughes Rachel Hughes, Tim Hughes, Christian Life, Devotion, Glory, Honor, Kingdom of God 4879246 view
Living Hallelujah Sarah Kelly Sarah Kelly, Son of God, Surrender, Worship 4219095 view
Living Hope 13 Brian Johnson, Phil Wickham Brian Johnson, Freedom, Lovingkindness, Phil Wickham, Promise of God, Cross, Forgiveness, Grace, Hope, Jesus, King, Mercy, Praise, Promise, Salvation, Savior, Victory 7106807 view
Living on the Bottle 1 Dana Angle Dana Angle, The Way, Jesus view
Living Waters Ed Cash, Kristyn Getty Ed Cash, Keith & Kristyn Getty, Keswick, Kristyn Getty, God's Love, Grace, Mercy, Redemption, Renewal, Revival, Salvation, Security 7063743 view
Long Way Off 7003259 view
Look Like A Fool Bill Staines, Matt Maher Bill Staines, Matt Maher, Adoration, Freedom, Grace, Praise, Singing 5137578 view
Look to the Son 1 Joel Houston, Marty Sampson, Matt Crocker, Reuben Morgan, Scott Ligertwood Joel Houston, Marty Sampson, Matt Crocker, Reuben Morgan, Scott Ligertwood 7068422 view
Look To You Marty Sampson Marty Sampson, Fulfillment, Jesus, Love 4455141 view
Look What Happens Tommy Walker Tommy Walker, Praise 7025375 view
Look What Has Happened to Me 1 Brown Bannister, Gary Chapman Amy Grant, Brown Bannister, destiny, Gary Chapman view
Look What You've Done John Ellis John Ellis, Change, Savior 2739601 view
Lord Almighty Ben Fielding, Jason Ingram and Kristian Stanfill, Jason Ingram, Kristian Stanfill Ben Fielding, God's Attributes, Jason Ingram, Jason Ingram and Kristian Stanfill, Kristian Stanfill, Adoration, Almighty, Lordship of Jesus, Name of Jesus, Suffering, Trials 5878875 view
Lord and Father 1 Noel Richards God's Kingship, Noel Richards, Adoration, Father, Majesty, Offering 76734 view
Lord Have Mercy 5 Steve Merkel Gospel4U, Michael W. Smith, Steve Merkel, Confession, Faith, Forgiveness, Justification, Kyrie, Mercy, Renewal, Repentance 2989578 view
Lord how majestic you are 1 792410 view
Lord I Give You My Heart 1 Carlene Davis, gospel reggae, Lord, Giving, Gospel view
Lord I Need You 10 Christy Nockels, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, Kristian Stanfill, Matt Maher Christy Nockels, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, Kristian Stanfill, Matt Maher, Confession, Declaration, Praise, Righteousness, Worship 5925687 view
Lord I'm Just a Baby 1 Archie Jordan, Teddy Wilburn Archie Jordan, B.J. Thomas, babies, christian, christian pop, inspirational, religious, spiritual, Teddy Wilburn, Gospel view
Lord Of All Kristian Stanfill Kristian Stanfill, Adoration, God Incarnate, Praise 5444412 view
Lord Of Lords Brooke Fraser Brooke Fraser, Adoration, Beauty, Lordship of Jesus, Praise 4869971 view
Lord Reign In Me 6 Brenton Brown Brenton Brown, Maranatha! Praise Band, Desperation, Devotion, Lordship of Jesus, Love, Submission 2490706 view
Lord You Are Good Anthony Skinner, Ross Huskinson, Scott MacLeod Anthony Skinner, Ross Huskinson, Scott MacLeod, Goodness 2726982 view
Lord You Are So Precious To Me Graham Kendrick Graham Kendrick, Adoration, Devotion, Love, Worship 1314 view
Lord You Have My Heart 2 Martin Smith Martin Smith, Adoration, Commitment, Worship 1108735 view
Lord, Hear Our Prayer Taize Eucharist Church, Taize view
Lord, I Lift Your Name On High 5 Rick Founds Rick Founds, Declaration, Praise 117947 view
Lord, I want to tell you 1 Marrilyn Baker Marrilyn Baker 2955667 view
Lord, Let Your Glory Fall 1 Matt Redman Matt Redman, Glory, Goodness 2526728 view
Lord, We Wait 1 Keith Getty, Stuart Townend Derri Daugherty, Keith Getty, Stuart Townend, Second Coming, Waiting 4108687 view
Lost In Wonder 2 Martyn Layzell Martyn Layzell, Restore, Cross, Eternal Life, Forgiveness, Obedience, Victory, Wonder 3943520 view
