All Songs

This page lists all the songs at Word to Worship. Click on the letter to show songs starting with it.

Total Songs: 2,480
(4) | 1 (3) | 4 (1) | A (172) | B (135) | C (166) | D (41) | E (55) | F (81) | G (148) | H (174) | I (154) | J (73) | K (21) | L (131) | M (120) | N (55) | O (121) | P (47) | R (74) | S (151) | T (240) | U (22) | V (11) | W (168) | Y (107) | Z (5)
Titlesort descending Star Star Count Author(s) All Tags CCLI View Edit
O Church Arise 7 Keith Getty, Stuart Townend Keith Getty, Stuart Townend, Church Militant, Church, Victory, Warfare 4611992 view
O Come All Ye Faithful 2 John F. Wade John F. Wade, Kings Kaleidoscope view
O Come All You Unfaithful Bob Kauflin, Lisa Clow Bob Kauflin, Lisa Clow, Sovereign Grace Worship, Advent, Birth, Christmas, Invitation, Jesus, Sacrifice 7160115 view
O Come Be Born Again Jennifer Martin Jennifer Martin, Birth, Christmas, Invitation, Salvation, Savior 3007662 view
O Come Let Us Adore Him C. Frederick Oakley, John Francis Wade, Matt Redman, Terl Bryant C. Frederick Oakley, John Francis Wade, Matt Redman, Passion, Terl Bryant, Adoration, Christmas 4162678 view
O Come O Come Emmanuel 6 Henry Sloane Coffin, John Mason Neale, Steven Curtis Chapman David Crowder Band, Henry Sloane Coffin, John Mason Neale, Steven Curtis Chapman, Advent, Christmas, Hymn, Majesty, Rejoice 1936508 view
O Come to the Altar 4 Chris Brown, Mack Brock, Steven Furtick, Wade Joye Chris Brown, Elevation Worship, Freedom, Mack Brock, Steven Furtick, Wade Joye, Calling, Forgiveness, Invitation, Praise, Savior 7051511 view
O Come, O Come Emmanuel Rain for Roots view
O Dearest Jesus Johann Cruger Johann Cruger, Consequences of Sin, Crucifixion, Good Friday, Hymn, Jesus' Suffering, Substitution view
O For A Closer Walk With God 1 Keith Getty, Stuart Townend, William Cowper Keith Getty, Stuart Townend, William Cowper 5568927 view
O For A Thousand (Hallelujah) Charles Wesley, Ralph E. Hudson, Thomas Miller Charles Wesley, Ralph E. Hudson, Thomas Miller, Praise, Proclamation, Singing, Worship 5758366 view
O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing 11 Charles Wesley, David Crowder, Jack Parker Charles Wesley, David Crowder, David Crowder Band, Jack Parker, Adoration, Jesus, Love, Mission, New Life, Praise, Victory over sin 5013881 view
O God of Boundless Mercy 7028245 view
O God Our Help In Ages Past 1 Isaac Watts, William Croft Isaac Watts, William Croft, Adoration, Assurance, Hymn 43152 view
O God, Will You Restore Us? 1 BiFrost Arts view
O great God 1 Bob Kauflin Bob Kauflin 4804015 view
O Holy Night 1 Sufjan Stevens Sufjan Stevens view
O Lord Your Tenderness 1 Graham Kendrick Graham Kendrick, Healing, Love, Mercy, Praise 38136 view
O Lord, Hear My Prayer 3 J. Berthier J. Berthier, Taize Community, Answered Prayer, Meditation, Prayer view
O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer 3 Nathan Stiff Matt Papa, Nathan Stiff, Sovereign Grace Worship, Assurance, Confession, Consecration, Desire, Faith, Forgiveness, Intercession, Justification, Love, Petition, Prayer, Redeemer, Resurrection, Rock, Suffering, Triumph, Victory 7096627 view
O my soul 1 Stuart Townend Stuart Townend 2788638 view
O Praise Him 1 David Crowder David Crowder, Christ the King, Holiness, Praise 4158022 view
O Praise the Name 1 Benjamin Hastings, Dean Ussher, Marty Sampson Benjamin Hastings, Dean Ussher, HILLSONG WORSHIP, Marty Sampson, Crucifixion, Easter, Praise, Resurrection, Sacrifice, Second Coming 7037787 view
O Rejoice Mia Fieldes Mia Fieldes, Christmas, Rejoice 4489708 view
O Sacred Head Now Wounded 2 Bernard Of Clairvaux, Hans Leo Hassler, James Waddell Alexander, Paul Gerhardt Bernard Of Clairvaux, Hans Leo Hassler, James Waddell Alexander, Paul Gerhardt, Adoration, Crucifixion, Hymn, Jesus' Suffering, Sacrifice, Savior 108303 view
O Sacred King 1 Matt Redman Matt Redman, Discipline, Father, Friendship, Glory, Jesus, Kindness 2646701 view
O Teach My Heart To Love Your Word 5639746 view
O The Blood 2 Mary Elizabeth Miller, Thomas Miller Mary Elizabeth Miller, Thomas Miller, Blood, God's Love, Sacrifice, Salvation 5783630 view
O the deep, deep love of Jesus 1 Ian Hannah, Samuel Trevor Francis Ian Hannah, Samuel Trevor Francis 4453507 view
O Worship The King 3 Chris Tomlin, Johann Michael Haydn, Robert Grant Chris Tomlin, Johann Michael Haydn, Robert Grant, Exaltation, King, Worship 4255664 view
Obsession Martin Smith Martin Smith, Confession, Faithfulness, Intimacy, Love 1567493 view
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) 13 Joel Houston, Matt Crocker, Salomon Ligthelm Hillsong United, Joel Houston, Matt Crocker, Salomon Ligthelm, Faith, Grace, Guidance, Rest, Trust 6428767 view
Oceans Will Part Ben Fielding Ben Fielding, Creation, Holy Spirit 4591830 view
Of Whom Shall I Be Afraid, Psalm 27 Jason Silver Jason Silver view
Offering 6 Paul Baloche Paul Baloche, Call to Worship, Christmas, Holiness, Love, Mercy, Offering, Praise, Worship 3956562 view
Offering Brad Avery, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark D. Lee, Tai Anderson Brad Avery, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark D. Lee, Tai Anderson, Dedication, Love, Offering, Sacrifice 4027184 view
Oh Earth The Brilliance The Brilliance view
Oh Give Thanks 1 Kip Fox Kip Fox, Creation, Thankfulness, Thanks, Thanksgiving 6241188 view
Oh God, You Are My God, Psalm 63 Jason Silver Jason Silver view
Oh Gracious Light The Brilliance view
Oh How Good It Is 4 Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend, Ross Holmes Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Ross Holmes, Stuart Townend, Blessing, Goodness, Grace, Journey, Redeemer, Unity, Unity in Christ 6399212 view
Oh How I Need You (Find You) David Leonard, Leslie Jordan, Paul Mabury, Stuart Garrard All Sons and Daughters, David Leonard, Leslie Jordan, Paul Mabury, Seeking, Stuart Garrard, Longing, Presence of God, Searching 6369101 view
Oh Lead Me 1 Martin Smith Martin Smith, Fellowship, Guidance, Leadership, Presence 1546892 view
Oh Lord Nate Feuerstein, David Garcia David Garcia, Nate Feuerstein, NF view
Oh Lord You're Beautiful 7 Keith Green Keith Green, Adoration, Commitment, Forgiveness, Holiness, Mercy, Prayer, Worship 14514 view
Oh Mother 1 Dennis Brown Dennis Brown, downcast, Mother, Mothers, Father, Fatherhood of God, Praise, Thanks, Thanksgiving, Understanding view
Oh My Soul David E. Moffitt, Jeff Pardo, Travis Cottrell David E. Moffitt, Freedom, Jeff Pardo, Travis Cottrell, Cleansing, Exaltation, God's Love, Love, Praise, Redemption, Salvation, Singing, Worship 7141764 view
Oh Our Lord Paul Baloche, Leslie Jordan and David Leonard, David Leonard, Leslie Jordan David Leonard, Leslie Jordan, Leslie Jordan and David Leonard, Paul Baloche, Desire, Faith, Light, Longing, Majesty, Name of Jesus, Praise 6092289 view
Oh Our Lord And King Alan Rose Alan Rose, Kingship, Worthiness 2420202 view
Oh The Glory Of His Presence 1 Steve Fry Steve Fry, Adoration, Presence 16529 view
Oh The Glory Of It All David Crowder David Crowder, Change, Christian Life, Glory 4972899 view
Oh You Bring Matt Crocker Matt Crocker, Christian Life, Faith, Love, Salvation 5371341 view
Oh! Great Is Our God! The Sing Team view
Oh, Great Love Of God 2 David Crowder, Mark Waldrop, Matt Maher David Crowder, David Crowder Band, Mark Waldrop, Matt Maher, Advent, Forgiveness, God's Love, Love, Sacrifice, Salvation, Second Coming, Sin 6191245 view
Oh, How He Loves You and Me 3 Communion, God's Love 15850 view
Oh, I Want To Know You More 2 Steve Fry Steve Fry, Consecration, Hope, Love 20560 view
Oil And The Wine 1 Dottie Rambo, Dony McGuire Call to Action, Dony McGuire, Dottie Rambo, Gospel, Worship view
On Our Side Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Jesse Reeves Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Jesse Reeves, Assurance, Confidence, Strength 4403382 view
On the cross 1 Geoff Baker Geoff Baker 2464873 view
On The Road To Beautiful Charlie Hall Charlie Hall, Beauty, Change, Christian Life, Father, Teaching 4100324 view
On The Third Day 1 Marc Byrd, Matt Maher Marc Byrd, Matt Maher, Death, Easter, Resurrection, Second Coming 4724023 view
On the Throne 7028400 view
Once Again 2 Matt Redman Matt Redman, Cross, Sacrifice 1564362 view
Once And For All Jason Ingram, Ed Cash, Matt Maher, Chris Tomlin Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Jason Ingram, Matt Maher, Creed, Redemption, Resurrection, Sacrifice, Salvation 6502212 view
Once in David's Royal City 1 Sufjan Stevens view
Once Upon Lacy Hudson, Nathan Stiff Coming of Christ, Conquering, Jesus Christ, Lacy Hudson, Mary, Nathan Stiff, Sovereign Grace Music, Sovereign Grace Worship, Advent, Birth, Christmas, Glory, Jesus, Messiah, Sacrifice 7160117 view
One By One You Call Us Home Cyril Tawney, Robin Mann Cyril Tawney, Robin Mann, All Saints, Holy Communion, Maundy Thursday 1272685 view
One Child of Love 1 Freddie Perren, Dino Fekaris Dino Fekaris, Freddie Perren, Peaches & Herb, Children, Gospel, Love view
One Day 1 Reuben Morgan Reuben Morgan, Blessing, Thankfulness 2725646 view
One Day Vicky Beeching and Robin Mark God's Attributes, Robin Mark, Vicky Beeching and Robin Mark, Declaration, Glory, Kingdom of God, Praise, Singing, Worship 5462511 view
One Day (When We All Get To Heaven) Beth Redman, Eliza Edmunds, Stites Hewitt, Leonard Jarman, Matt Redman Beth Redman, Eliza Edmunds, Leonard Jarman, Matt Redman, Stites Hewitt, Healing, Heaven, Rejoice, Singing, Victory 7091537 view
One Day At A Time 1 Jeff & Nancy Barry christian, enjoyment, gospel pop, inspirational, Jeff & Nancy Barry, Polly Cutter, pop music, spiritual, wellness view
One Desire Joel Houston Joel Houston, Desire, Devotion, Submission 3452743 view
One Place Finding God, Finding joy, Finding Peace, God's Presence, Secret Place, Indwelling, Tabernacle 7049027 view
One Thing Charlie Hall Charlie Hall, Devotion, Intimacy 3132063 view
One Thing Remains (Your Love Never Fails) 12 Brian Johnson, Christa Black, Jeremy Riddle Bethel Live, Brian Johnson, Christa Black, God's Word, Jeremy Riddle, Jesus Culture, Kristian Stanfill, Faithfulness, God's Love, Hope, Love, Power, Promise, Provision, Strength, Victory 5508444 view
One Way 1 Joel Houston, Jonathon Douglass Joel Houston, Jonathon Douglass, Confidence, Eternity, Faith, Grace, Hope, Humility, Submission, Surrender, Truth 4222082 view
One Wild Life Gungor 7045178 view
Only a Holy God 2 Dustin R. Smith, Jonny Robinson, Michael Farren, Rich Thompson CityAlight, Dustin R. Smith, Jonny Robinson, Michael Farren, Rich Thompson 7073332 view
Only at Christmas Time Sufjan Stevens view
Only By Grace 2 Gerrit Gustafson Gerrit Gustafson, Assurance, Atonement, Blood, Grace, Presence 190579 view
Only In God (Psalm 62) John Michael Talbot John Michael Talbot, Refuge, Salvation, Savior, Strength 14521 view
Only King Forever 2 Mack Brock, Chris Brown, Steven Furtick, Wade Joye Chris Brown, Elevation Worship, God's Kingdom, God's Kingship, God's steadfastness, Mack Brock, Steven Furtick, Surrender, Wade Joye, Adoration, Eternity, Hope, Justice, Name of Jesus, Praise, Reverence, Trust, Victory, Wisdom, Worship 7011438 view
Only You 1 David Crowder, Jason Solley, Mike Dodson, Mike Hogan David Crowder, Jason Solley, Mike Dodson, Mike Hogan, Devotion, Surrender, Worship 2579397 view
Only You Young Oceans 7026980 view
Ooh, Child 1 Stan Vincent christian, Five Stairsteps, inspirational, pop music, R&B, soul, spiritual, Stan Vincent, Children, Gospel view
Open Sarah Kroger, Sarah Hart, Ross King Ross King, Sarah Hart, Sarah Kroger, Sarah Kroger view
Open My Eyes Braden Lang, Reuben Morgan Braden Lang, Reuben Morgan, Longing, Searching, Truth 5636873 view
Open My Eyes Jesse Manibusan Jesse Manibusan, Desire, Intimacy, Likeness, Listening 1188054 view
Open My Lips Fernando Ortega Fernando Ortega, Scripture Song, Praise, Singing 4854728 view
Open Our Eyes Rain for Roots Rain for Roots, Sandra McCracken view
Open Skies David Crowder David Crowder, Adoration, Joy, Praise, Singing 4376866 view
Open The Eyes of My Heart 24 Paul Baloche Paul Baloche, Sonic Flood, Surrender, Cleansing, Holiness, Humility, Light, Longing, Prayer 2298355 view
Open The Gates 1 Dennis Brown, Kingship of Christ, rich and poor view
Open Up Our Eyes 1 Chris Brown, London Gatch, Mack Brock, Stuart Garrard, Wade Joye Chris Brown, Elevation Worship, Illumination, London Gatch, Mack Brock, Stuart Garrard, Wade Joye, Intercession, Love, Spiritual Warfare 6386696 view
Open Up Our Eyes Chris Brown, London Gatch, Mack Brock, Stuart Garrard, Wade Joye Chris Brown, London Gatch, Mack Brock, Stuart Garrard, Transcendence of God, Wade Joye, God's Love, Intercession, Love, Omnipotence of God, Power of God, Sovereignty of God 6386696 view
Open Up the Gates Henry Seeley Henry Seeley, Advent, Christmas, Invitation, Kingship, Mission, Praise, Worship 3775499 view
Open Up The Heavens 1 Joel Houston Joel Houston, Desire, Heaven 4119999 view
Open Up the Heavens 3 Meredith Andrews, Stuart Garrard, James McDonald, Andi Rozier Andi Rozier, Invocation, James McDonald, Meredith Andrews, Stuart Garrard, Vertical Worship, Call to Worship, Glory, Heaven, Power, Presence, Second Coming, Singing, Worship 6304702 view
Our Father Don Moen Don Moen, Gathering, Glory, Mercy, Praise, Prayer 3166187 view
