I've noticed a recurring problem whenever the appointed readings have multiple non-consecutive verses (for instance, John 9:1-7, 13-17, 34-39). Whenever a Sunday's readings are like this, the lectionary search feature will search for, in this instance, John 9:1-7, John 13-17, and John 34-39; it essentially searches for music based on Scripture verses that aren't being used.
Is there a way that this can get corrected? I'm finding a lot of benefit to this website, but this issue often becomes a stumbling block for selecting music. Thanks!
Steve Partlow
Thu, 03/27/2014 - 09:52
Thanks for reporting.
Thanks for reporting.
When I search for "John 9:1-7, 13-17, 34-39" the page says "Verses from your search: John 9:1-7; John 9:13-17; John 9:34-39" which I believe is what you want. Can you point me to some references that aren't working? Which lectionary are you using?
Steve Partlow
Thu, 03/27/2014 - 21:13
I found some problems with the Catholic lectionary scripture references. Use of brackets [], plus +, and the word "or" was sometimes causing some verses to be ignored. Those should all be fixed now. If you come across any more problems, please post here or use the contact form to email me directly.
[EDIT] I also found some problems in the other lectionaries which used a semicolon in the middle of some Scripture references. I've fixed those.