Auto scripture

Hi I love this site. Thank you!

I (think I) understand how the "Scripture" tag works and seems directly relevant to songs, but am less convinced about "Auto scripture". How does that work, and what's the difference between that and the Scripture tag?


Steve Partlow's picture

Auto Scripture tags are automatically added by the site if they use the same wording as bible verses. It definitely adds some references that no human would think is relevant but in my experience does a good job at adding a few key references. It's something I tweak from time to time. Scripture tags are added by users (real humans!) so they should be much more reliable.

If you find any especially good or poor examples, let me know and I can see what I can do about it.

Steve Witwicki's picture

It seems like when I add a song, I can't find it by searching for the title right away. Wondering if it's because the database is processing the auto-scripture before it displays or if you have to "approve" any new entries to the database? Again, not a real issue, simply curious how it works.

Steve Partlow's picture

Yeah, the search index is updated periodically (hourly I think) to reduce processing overhead on the site. That's a factor of the underlying software (Drupal) so I'm not sure I could easily change that.

Steve Witwicki's picture

Makes sense to me—and helps explain how it works. Thanks, Steve.