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Anyone can add songs, tag content, and comment on Word to Worship and all of that makes the site better. So to encourage contributions a new side block now appears showing each logged-in user their participation level. To reach the full 100% participation you can star five songs, add a new song, post a comment, post a forum topic, and add tags to a Bible verse. Each step will grow Word to Worship and give users more ownership of the site.

Related Searches

We've done a lot of work tagging songs with themes but sometimes we might use a different but related term for what you searched for. For example, if you searched for "Eucharist", in the past you might be disappointed with the results because most song related to the Lord's Supper are instead tagged with "Holy Communion". But the site now looks for related themes to your search and displays them just under the search bar. You can then click on any of them to search on the suggested wording instead.

Login With Facebook

You can now register and log in to using your Facebook ID. Simply click on the blue "Connect" image at the top of any page and authorize the connection.

Registering is completely free and allows you to more fully take advantage of the features such as adding new songs and "starring" songs. We don't spam you and won't share your information with anyone else (see our terms and privacy statement for details).

LCMS One-Year Lectionary Added

By request, we now have the historic one year lectionary of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. While most LCMS churches follow the newer three-year lectionary, many do use the traditional lectionary which is closer to the one from which Martin Luther preached many sermons.

One of the goals of Word to Worship is to help tie both the "traditional" and "contemporary" aspects of worship closer together and closer to the Word of God. So I'm happy to welcome all those that use this lectionary in their worship based on the Word revealed, and to the glory of the Word made flesh.

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