The Beauty of God's Plan


Auto Scripture: 
Ezekiel 46:6; Genesis 2:9; Genesis 2:17; Genesis 3:22; Genesis 3:24; Genesis 3:11; Genesis 3:17; Leviticus 20:14; Leviticus 24:10;
She is the moon, he is the sun
Together they become as one
She is the warmth, he is the wind
So sweetly and completely true love begins

He plants the seed, she bears the fruit
The tree of life they share is good
She is a bird, he is the sky
He loves the space and she loves to fly

So it takes a woman and a man, ooh yes
To show the beauty of God's plan
So it takes a woman and a man, ooh yea
To show the beauty of God's plan

She is the mirror of her man
Forever beside him she will stand
He is all she needs,
He gives life to her dreams
Ooh, ooh, ooh.. yeah!

He plants the seed, she bears the fruit
The tree of life they share is good
She is a bird, he is the sky
He loves the space she loves to fly

So it takes a woman and a man, ooh yea
To show the beauty of God's plan (All it takes)
Takes a woman and a man, ooh yea
To show the beauty of God's plan (All it takes)
Takes a woman and a man, ooh yea
To show the beauty of God's plan (All it takes)